Pharmacovigilance Guidelines
Link Repository to International and European Pharmacovigilance Guidelines and Publications
Created on 28-Apr-2021. Last updated 28-Apr-2021
EU Guidelines - EMA GVP Modules
EU Pharmacovigilance-related Legislation
Clinical Trials:
- Reg (EU) No 536/2014 Clinical Trials Regulation​
Directive 2001/20/EC Clinical Trials Directive
Directive 2005/28/EC Good Clinical Practice
ICH - Guidelines
CIOMS - Publications​
- CIOMS Cumulative Pharmacovigilance Glossary v1.0, 2021
- CIOMS WG V - ​Current Challenges in Pharmacovigilance: Pragmatic Approaches
CIOMS WG VI - Management of Safety Information from Clinical Trials
Development and Rational Use of Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs): Retrieving Adverse Drug Reactions with MedDRA, 2016 – Second Edition
- Full CIOMS Pharmacovigilance Guides List in HERE​
​MedDRA - Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities​​
Standardized MedDRA Queries (SMQs)
MedDRA Points to Consider - Supporting Documentation
PHarmacovigilance GUIDELINES
Signal Detection
EMA - GVP Module IX - Signal Management (Rev 1)​
EMA - GVP Module IX Addendum I – Methodological aspects of signal detection from spontaneous reports of suspected adverse reactions
CIOMS WG VIII - ​Practical Aspects of Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance
Benefit-Risk Evaluation​
CIOMS WG IV - Benefit-Risk Balance for Marketed Drugs: Evaluating Safety Signals
CIOMS WG VIII - Practical Aspects of Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance
CIOMS WG IX - Practical Approaches to Risk Minimisation for Medicinal Products
CIOMS WG X - Evidence Synthesis and Meta-Analysis for Drug Safety
ICSR Management
EMA - GVP Module​ VI - Collection, management and submission of reports of suspected AR
ICH E2D - Post-approval safety data management - definitions and standards for expedited reporting
ICH E2A - Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting
CIOMS WG V - ​Current Challenges in Pharmacovigilance: Pragmatic Approaches
Duplicate Manegement:
EMA - GVP Module VI Addendum I – Duplicate management of suspected adverse reaction reports
Coding of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Causality Assessment:​
EMA - GVP Module​ VII - Periodic Safety Update Reports
ICH E2C (R2) - Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report
Investigator Brochure
ICH E6(R2) - Good Clinical Practice​
CIOMS III and V - Guidelines for Preparing Core Clinical-Safety Information on Drugs Second Edition – Report of CIOMS Working Groups III and V
CCSI, CCDS Concept
EMA - GVP Module​ VII - Periodic Safety Update Reports
ICH E2C (R2) - Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report
CIOMS III and V - Guidelines for Preparing Core Clinical-Safety Information on Drugs Second Edition – Report of CIOMS Working Groups III and V